Eating Disorders Today has a name change and a new location.
Please visit Eating Disorder Recovery for Women at
Sign the National Eating Disorders Association’s Declaration of Independence from a Weight- Obsessed World to free yourself from the three D’s: Dieting, Drive for Thinness, and Body Dissatisfaction.
Celebrate Fearless Friday - A Day Without Dieting - and feel how empowering a diet-free day of self-acceptance can be!
Attend a workshop, presentation, lecture, or meeting in your community that will help you feel better about yourself. See the National Eating Disorders Association’s website, your local newspaper or campus calendar for events.
Use your voice to effect change: join the National Eating Disorders Association’s national media advocacy campaign to write letters of protest and praise to media, corporations and advertisers who promote negative or positive messages concerning body size, weight, dieting and eating disorders. Sign up via the web at
Consciously choose to avoid making comments about other people or yourself on the basis of body size or shape.
Compliment someone else for a skill, talent, or characteristic they have that you appreciate. Remind yourself that a person’s value is not determined by their shape or size.
Enjoy your favorite meal without feelings of guilt or anxiety over calories and fat grams.
Donate your jeans and other old clothes that no longer fit your body comfortably to charity. Someone else will appreciate them, and you won’t have to worry about the way they fit anymore.
Start each morning by looking in the mirror and saying something nice about yourself out loud.
Put away or throw away your bathroom scale.
Look through magazines and newspapers, ripping out advertisements, photos and articles that promote negative feelings about weight, body image and food. Talk back to the TV when you see or hear an ad that makes you feel dissatisfied with your body.
Read a book that lifts your self-esteem, promotes positive body image, encourages healthy living or helps you overcome stereotypes about social standards of beauty.
If you know someone who is struggling with an eating disorder, take the time to reassure them of your friendship and support for their recovery process.
Throw out all of the diet products in your house.
Remind yourself and others that It’s What’s Inside That Counts!
Become a member of the National Eating Disorders Association and join the effort to create a world where self-esteem is not weighed in pounds on a scale. Visit or call (206) 382-3587 for more information.
Challenge yourself to pick at least one of these easy-to-do tasks during each day of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week!
© 2004 National Eating Disorders Association. Permission is granted to copy and reprint materials for
educational purposes only. National Eating Disorders Association must be cited and web address listed. Information and Referral Helpline: 800.931.2237
By all means, share with us on this blog your experience when you do any of these activities.
For me, and all of us in the eating disorder recovery professional community, every day is eating disorder awareness day. I've been a member and supporter of NEDA since its inception. I support the recovery of others. I don't diet. I wear clothes that fit, and I have no diet products in the house.
Whoops. Last night I co-hosted a wonderful dinner party in my home for the UCLA program, Dinner with 12 Strangers. Undergraduates, graduate students and alumni (that's my category) met in my home for a terrific evening. Somebody brought tall bottles of soda including a diet soda. A left over half bottle full is in my kitchen but on its way out.
These diet products do slip in, don't they?
Joanna Poppink, MFT, psychotherapist eating disorder specialist, Los Angeles, CA bulimia, anorexia, compulsive overeating recovery,
i think your doing a really good job. I have an eating disorder,its horrific- the relief i feel to have somebody understand,but not only that ( as i have a supportive therapist and family) but for somebody to help ME understand the things that i cant express is so reliveing.x
Posted by: emma lynch | March 19, 2008 at 06:19 PM