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What if we step away from body appreciation as an aesthetic consideration that relates to weight and appearance?
An exercise or meditation to open up communication between mind, heart and body is this:
1. Let the mind relax with all the judgments.
2. Let the heart be free to love.
3. Let the body be and discover how your body feels when it is appreciated.
Give yourself from a half hour to an hour for this exercise. Slowly walk around a large room or garden or around the block. Be sure you find a safe place to walk.
Starting from the top of your head, let your awareness move through your body slowly. Thank you body as you go.
For example:
Thank you, skull, for protecting my brains so I can function in this world.
Thank you brains for allowing me to think and for keeping my body working.
Thank you eyes for letting me see as much as I can of this world.
Move through your entire body, covering your neck, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, chest, back, spine, ribs, abdomen, stomach, genitals, legs, ankles, feet, toes, Thank each part of your body for the work it does, and be specific about recognizing that work.
If you do this on a regular basis you can go deeper. You can thank specific organs, veins and nervous system.
You can thank your immune system for protecting you. You can thank the mysterious and wonderful ability your body has for healing, for cell regrowth. You can thank your skin, the largest organ of all, for protecting you and providing you with sensations that warn you, sensations that bring you pleasure and sensations that connect you to other people.
If you continue to do this exercise, over time you might feel that you want to do more than say thank you. You might want to help your body with love and kindness to carry on all the taks that allow you to live in this world.
This has little or nothing to do with weight or physical beauty. It has everything to do with appreciation, health and love.
Of course, some might believe that appreciation, health and love create beauty in this world.
I do.
Do you?
I have had borderline anorexia twice. The main message I have for any person suffering from this disease is, physical activity, walking, jumping up and down, any form of movement will give you a body you will love. If you don't eat you are just going to look sickly, out of place and sad. You are better off being chubby. I speak from experience.
My body's fat burner is so screwed up from this disorder. As soon as I hit 30 five years ago, I gain weight so easy, I blame this disease for that.
Thank God I have a phobia against throwing up so bulimia was never an issue for me. I embrace being chubby, I need to workout much more than I do, I am overweight, not severely but I feel I am much healthier than when I starved myself. I never want my daughter to even see me on a diet, my mom was constantly on a diet and was on a weight loss vicious circle that I never want to be on.
Main point here, get moving, eat as healthy as you can, don't stress and for Heaven's sake don't starve!!! Love yourself for whats inside!
Posted by: Shelli | February 21, 2008 at 07:27 AM
I came to your blog with curiosity (I don't have an eating disorder), and I rarely comment on blogs, but I am so impressed to find this kind, resourceful, intelligent site... Even as a person without eating disorders, I appreciate the advice and insight about bodies.
I am always so impressed by writers like you who are willing to take the time to impart and share quality information for no fee.
I thank you for making the world a better place!
Posted by: emilie | February 22, 2008 at 07:33 AM
Thank you, Emilie. I greatly appreciate your support and validation of my work.
Posted by: Joanna Poppink, LMFT | February 24, 2008 at 12:20 AM